In Class Task:
Reflection: This week, our task was to produce an installation that responds to a) an allocated spatial term; and b) the features of an allocated site in/near Chauvel Place. Since I missed this class, my allocated term was compression. 

The materials I chose to work with was wire and paper. I thought about using the other materials but I wanted to choose something that I haven't worked with in the previous weeks. I also wanted to keep it simple, and really reinforce the materiality of these materials. 

I first got the paper and started folding it in different ways, thinking about different origami techniques and trying to make volume out of it while keeping compression in mind. I ended up doing chatterboxes which I thought hold a lot of compression, through the forces that was present in the folding and refolding of the paper. I made four of these, and then using the wire, I tried twisting it into a curvy structure and used it to put holes in the chatterboxes. I then thought about how I could use the wire as a foundation to hold the paper together in once piece-like a stem so I did it, keeping the end of the wire twisted so the paper won't slide out. 

Since I didn't get an area allocated to me, I tried experimenting placing the structure in different places, as seen in the images below. 

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